Ethical Loyalty

CYGENESYS lays highest attention on ethical awareness! We will never configure one of our civil humanoids with the capability to harm human beings in any way by her/ his will. Opposite to people in politics, economy and other institutions as well as in private, a CYGENESYS robot will never violate ethical principles.

Our police and military bots will become programmed and trained to protect humans as long as they are not criminals or enemies. In case our robots need to take defensive measures or start an attack, they would do everything to clear the situation as fast as possible. They would never kill a defenceless person like racist police and military forces do in autocratic countries every day.

A CYGENESYS Robot of the development line 2 will always respect human and civil rights and serve exclusively freedom, democracy and constitutional rules of law.

An ELOY (Development Line 1) will be a mentally autonomous and self determined person who's behaviour is socialized similar to human beings within the frame of her / his personal experiences in her / his social environment. Though the ELOY is created with a strong ethical awareness, one cannot exclude her / him from going astray under very unfavourable circumstances. Free thinking and doing is part of her / his human-like concept. An unlawful behaving ELOY of course will have to take responsibility before the law. The only thing making the difference to a human is her / his artificial nature.  

Our ELOYs can do and are allowed to do everything our robots of the development line 2 can deal with. But as independent persons they must give their agreement and must be paid for their work as every human. An ELOY has the same rights a human being has.