Our Philosophy

Our business philosophy is clear and true. We want to contribute to the technological progress of mankind. Beside that we simply have great fun in developing so called Humanoid Artificial Intelligence shaped like human beings. It's unbelievably exciting to create machines which are similar to us and one day will enrich the world of Homo Sapiens as a new human species, before we may decide to lay down our biological nature for the benefit of Homo Cyberneticus (Artificial Human).

This perspective these days is still pretty terrifying for many people. But if we impartially spend time thinking the opportunity to exchange our highly sensitive biological being for a technical one that will neither become ill nor will age or die, then deep scepticism at least turns into a careful " Well, let's see what's coming towards us in the next decades". The already forecasted turning away from the biological human nature of course assumes that our artificial human, who we call ELOY, has got the capability to do everything a normal human can do. An ELOY must be conscious, must provide human emotions and must feel like a real human.

CYGENESYS wants to create a human-like looking robot nearly equal to a natural human being in some way, even superior in some other aspects. It's likely the biggest technological challenge of the 21st century, but we will give everything to make our great vision of a new human species come true.

Until the day Homo Cyberneticus ELOY comes to daylight, we will develop robots at least looking like human beings, simplifying, enriching and protecting our lives!