Military Robots

Many pacifists around the globe who certainly are honorable people but unfortunately are pretty naive and out of some history awareness, think they could bring peace to the world by destroying all weapons. The annexation of Crimea, the barbarian attack against Ukraine by the Putin-regime, and the crimes of other despotes against peaceful people and national communities should show them that, since the beginning of mankind, reality is a different one.

CYGENESYS takes it as an important task to develop smart scout- and fightbots contributing to the defence of our free world against autocratic aggressors and fundamentalistic religious killers. So these bots are defensive systems also available for missions of peace of the UN.

Every killed soldier is one too much. It's our highest duty to protect our troops as good as possible. Robots can act safer and more efficient than humans. They are equipped with sophisticated sensors which give them a fast overview in specific situations. And if necessary, they will use their smart weapons much more precise than any human being is capable to do.

Freedom, democracy and the rules of law have got their price. We at CYGENESYS will give our best to keep this price of lost human lives as small as possible!